Attention: Tomorrows high school boys and girls golf meet at Lake Bracken has been cancelled due to the extreme heat.

Please read the attached letter. KJHS will dismiss at 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday August 23rd and Thursday August 24th.

Please read the attached letter. We will dismiss at 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday August 23rd and Thursday August 24th. There will be no AM/PM or Full Day Preschool on these days, and there is No PALS after school on Wednesday or Thursday.

Dear Knoxville CUSD 202 Families,
Due to the predicted record breaking heat and “feels like” temperatures for the safety of our student walkers, bus riders, and bus drivers we will be dismissing at 1:00 pm on Wednesday, August 23, 2023, and Thursday, August 24, 2023.
Many sports and activities have been canceled or practices rescheduled. Please contact your Athletic Director, Mr. Weedman, High School Athletic Director, and Mr. Maaske, Jr. High Athletic Director if you have specific questions or concerns.
Mable Woolsey families there will be NO AM/PM or ALL DAY Preschool on Wednesday or Thursday, these days will be made up at the end of the school year. And there is NO PALS after school on Wednesday or Thursday.
-Dr. Guerrero

Attention: Today's high school boys and girls golf meet at Galva has been cancelled due to the extreme heat.

KHS Picture Day is on August 29th

Attention: Today's high school cross-country meet at Farmington has been cancelled due to the extreme heat.

Breakfast and Lunch Changes at Mable Woolsey for this week:
Tuesday breakfast : Pop Tart
Wednesday breakfast: Long Johns
Thursday breakfast: Mini Donuts
Wednesday lunch: Bologna and Cheese
Thursday lunch: Ham and Cheese

Attention: Today's high school girls volleyball games at Rockridge have been postponed due to the extreme heat. An update will be sent out when a makeup date is confirmed.

Please read our Mable Woolsey Weekly Update for the week!

Attention: Monday's high school boys golf match with Mercer County at Oak Run has been postponed due to the extreme heat. An update will be sent out when a makeup date is confirmed.

Attention: Monday's high school girls golf tournament at Gibson Woods in Monmouth has been postponed due to the extreme heat. An update will be sent out when a makeup date is confirmed.

The Knoxville High School volleyball team store is now open. Please use the link below. The store closes on 8/23.

Reminder: Meet the Bullets Night 2023 is tonight at 6pm. Please see the attachment for more information.

Reminder: Parents/Guardians picking up at the high school keep these points in mind for safe pick up:
* The Main Entrance is a one way exit only from 3:00 - 3:30 pm
* Do not enter the parking lot from Ontario St.
* Pick up your student either at the Ontario St. Exit or in the East Parking lot.
Thank you for your understanding.

Reminder: Meet the Bullets Night 2023 is Friday, August 18th at 6pm. Please see the attachment for more information.

Reminder: The Lady Blue Bullets Volleyball team will be holding a pre season scrimmage this Thursday evening at the high school. The JV scrimmage will start at 6pm followed by the Varsity. Admission will be a non-perishable food item for the local food pantry.

We have had a busy Tuesday evening in the District. The middle school and high school hosted their Open Houses, Fall Athletics meetings, and special orientation for the 5th and 9th graders. The cafeteria was buzzing with the Community Grab and Go Dinner serving 100 people.
Attendance has been great, and we appreciate all the family support for their students and the school District.

We can't wait for the first day of school tomorrow! At Mable Woolsey, our building institute day today was a wonderful day of learning and preparing. Teachers learned new student engagement strategies, paraprofessionals learned new strategies to help students, and everyone on our MWES team is excited for a great year!

Opening Day for Teachers was today. We had a full day of learning and speakers. A special thank you to Grand Canyon University, Stifel, David Meyer, Old National Bank, Dan Kiesewetter Insurance, the Board of Education, all the staff who presented during the sessions, and assisted in the set up and clean up!