The KJHS Student Council is holding the annual T-Shirt Design Contest. Please see Mrs. McGuire for more information. Designs are due by September 22. Thank you!

Attention: This Friday's high school football game against the Lewistown/Valley/Cuba coop will be played at Spoon River Valley high school. 35265 N IL Hwy 97, London Milles. Il 61544.

The online store to order Knoxville Homecoming shirts closes today at 3:00 p.m. Please place your order soon! Thank you!

Early Dismissal, Friday, September 15

Knoxville Senior High School
The top-rated school in the Galesburg area is Knoxville Senior High School. The school received an overall grade of 65.19 out of 100, which is good to be ranked 196th in the state. The school has a graduation rate of 85% and 30% of students have taken at least one Advanced Placement exam.

Knoxville High- Girl's Golf. Best of luck tomorrow at the LTC Railsplitter Tournament!

7th and 8th grade STEM students at KJHS are building machines! Students constructed their machines, such as cranes and trebuchets, using Strawbees, robotic boards, and coding!

Reminder: Friday September 15th is an 11:15 Dismissal day. There will be no PALS after school and no Pre-K on Friday.

NFHS Notice: If you are attempting to view the Knoxville JV volleyball game on NFHS, please select Varsity. There is a glitch in the settings, clicking JV will show Jensen Gym. Both games can be viewed under the Varsity tab.
Sorry for the confusion.

Attention: Todays' KHS Boys Golf meet at Monmouth-Roseville has been postponed due to the weather. It will be played on Friday, September 22nd. Start time is 9:30am.

PTO Meeting Thursday September 14th at 5:00 in the Mable Woolsey Teacher's Lounge.

Don't miss out on the back-to-school sale! You'll save 30% across the entire site! Shop at https://1stplace.sale/31585

Please read our Mable Woolsey Weekly Newsletter for this week! https://www.smore.com/1pzuj

Knoxville Homecoming '23 shirts are now available! This year there are 2 different designs for you to choose from in a wide variety of styles and colors. The online store through Elite Ink will close next Wednesday, 9/13, and no late orders will be accepted so make sure to buy your Homecoming shirts by then by clicking the link below. Orders will be delivered for pickup at Knoxville High School the Friday before Homecoming week, Sept. 22nd. Youth sizes are available in most options. https://eliteink.printavo.com/merch/khshomecoming

Our Mini-Blitz is Friday September 15th at the Knoxville High School Sports Complex. Parents and guardians are welcome to attend. We might run ahead of schedule, so be prepared for this. Friday September 15th is also an 11:15 dismissal.

Wear Red, White, and Blue at Mable Woolsey on Monday September 11th for Patriot's Day!

Congratulations to KHS football player Nolan McClay on being selected as the Midwest Bank Athlete of the Week. Nolan had 239 yards and 4 TDS on 20 carries in the win over Macomb.

Attention: Due to software updates to the broadcast system, tonight's home football game will not be broadcast on the NFHS network. We plan on having the system up and running for the next home game. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Update; The address for the Stark County Athletic Complex in Wyoming, IL for tonight's Lady Bullets volleyball game is 401 N Galena Ave. Wyoming, IL 61491. The previous post had an incorrect address.

Attention: For the safety of our spectators and children, children need to be supervised during football games. Children running/playing around the concrete, concession stands, and in the bleachers is prohibited. Thank you for your cooperation.