The home baseball game with Erie-Prophetstown for today has been cancelled. We will post a notification if a make up date can be found.
11 months ago, Mr. Mize
KJHS would like to congratulate the 181 students that received Honor Roll or High Honor Roll recognition for 3rd quarter. We are proud of your hard work! Watch for certificates to come home tonight.
11 months ago, Michelle McClay
KJHS 3rd Quarter Honor Roll and High Honor Roll
The Knoxville Spring Sale ends soon! Save 25% sitewide including new Nike Dri-Fit tees! There is also free shipping on all orders over $60. Shop:
11 months ago, Knoxville CUSD 202
spring sale flyer
Attention: The Knox County Invite track meet at Abingdon-Avon scheduled for today has been cancelled. There is no make-up date.
11 months ago, Brad Weedman
There will be a Project Grad meeting for Senior parents tonight at 5:30 p.m. at KHS in Ms. Dillon's classroom. If you would like to be a part of this annual event that parents put on for their graduating Seniors, please attend.
11 months ago, Sandy Pemberton
Due to the cold temperatures, there will be NO KJHS track practice today, Wednesday, 3/20.
11 months ago, Matt Maaske
Please see the attached flyer about the Knoxville School District Art Fair. The fair will be on March 21, 2024.
11 months ago, Sandy Pemberton
Art Fair
Please join us this Thursday March 21st at Mable Woolsey!
11 months ago, Mable Woolsey
Due to the cold weather, KJHS Track practice will be INDOORS today in the KJHS gym from 3:30-5:00 pm.
11 months ago, Matt Maaske
Attention: Due to the cold conditions, todays home baseball game against Peoria Notre Dame has been cancelled. If a make-up date is located an update will be sent out.
11 months ago, Brad Weedman
Mable Woolsey families please read chapters 55-56 tonight!
11 months ago, Mable Woolsey
Just a reminder that the KJHS Spring Spirit Week starts tomorrow!
11 months ago, Kim McGuire
Please read the Mable Woolsey weekly newsletter for this week!
11 months ago, Mable Woolsey
Congratulations to Abby Harshbarger on signing to continue her softball career at John Wood Community College. Good luck Abby!
11 months ago, Brad Weedman
Mable Woolsey families please read chapters 52-54 this weekend!
11 months ago, Mable Woolsey
Attention: The make-up date for yesterdays home baseball game vs Monmouth-Roseville will be Tuesday, April 9th at 4:30pm.
11 months ago, Brad Weedman
Attention: The make-up date for yesterdays home softball game vs Orion will be Tuesday, March 26th at 4:30pm.
11 months ago, Brad Weedman
Mable Woolsey families, please read chapters 48-51 tonight!
11 months ago, Mable Woolsey
KJHS Student Council Spring Spirit Week starts next week!
11 months ago, Kim McGuire
Attention: Due to wet field conditions todays home softball game against Orion has been cancelled. When a make-up date is confirmed an update will be sent out.
11 months ago, Brad Weedman