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Brad Weedman
KHS Assistant Principal/Athletic Director
Knoxville High School
(309) 289-2324
Brandy Nolan
KHS Guidance Counselor
Knoxville High School
(309) 289-2324
Sandy Pemberton
Administrative Assistant/ Registrar, KHS Yearbook Advisor, KHS Key Club Advisor
Knoxville High School
(309) 289-2324
Tyler Yarbrough
IT Technician, KHS E-Sports Coach
Knoxville School District
(309) 289-2328
Deborah Dunlap
KHS Math & KHS German Teacher
Knoxville High School
(309) 289-2324
Barb Thompson
Physical Education Teacher
Knoxville High School
(309) 289-2324
Todd Derham
Industrial Technology Instructor, KHS Boys Golf Coach, KHS Class of 2026 Advisor
Knoxville High School
(309) 289-2324
Chad Clevenger
KHS Driver's Education Teacher
Knoxville High School
(309) 289-2324
Susan Dwyer
Knoxville High School
(309) 289-2324
Susan Emelander
KHS Special Education Teacher, KHS Class of 2027 Advisor
Knoxville High School
(309) 289-2324
Amy Dillon
KHS and KJHS Business and Computer Teacher
Knoxville High School
(309) 289-2324
Lisa Franey
KHS KWSED Teacher, KHS Class of 2026 Advisor
Knoxville High School
(309) 289-2324
Sonya Jones
Athletic/Activities Secretary
Knoxville High School
(309) 289-4134
Chris Lawson
KHS and KJHS Art Teacher, KHS Art Club Advisor
Knoxville High School
(309) 289-2324
Andrea Leibach
English and Speech Teacher, KHS Class of 2028 Advisor
Knoxville High School
(309) 289-2324
Ryan Hebard
KHS Biology Teacher, KHS Head Football Coach, Strength & Conditioning
Knoxville High School
(309) 289-2324
Jodi Hise
KHS English Teacher
Knoxville High School
(309) 289-2324
Michelle Mulvey
Knoxville High School
(309) 289-2324
Shelly Nelson
Mable Woolsey Elementary
(309) 289-2324
Terrah Myers
RTI Director
Knoxville School District
(309) 289-4134