Vision and Mission Statement
Mable Woolsey Vision Statement: We will build a nurturing community of life long learners while fostering opportunities for social, emotional, and academic growth to ensure that we help create productive members of society.
Mable Woolsey Mission Statement: We will provide a safe and stimulating environment. We will nurture a rigorous and adaptive learning community. We will support a child's natural desire to learn. We will inspire students to discover their fullest potential.
Start and End Times:
8:15 -Tardy Bell
10:30 - AM Pre-K dismissed
12:15 - PM Pre-K can be dropped off
12:30 - PM Pre-K Starts
3:00 - PM Pre-K Ends
3:00 - Dismissal
Mable Woolsey Elementary Electronic Device Policy
Please click the link below to read the electronic device policy approved by the Board of Education in April 2023.

Click below to get the app and scan your receipts for Box Tops for Education! This is an easy way to earn cash that will go directly to Mable Woolsey for student needs.
Peanut Policy Update:
We have updated our Peanut Policy at Mable Woolsey. We offer individually wrapped peanut butter and jelly sandwiches at lunch and allowing nut products in student lunches. Nut-free items will still be required for classroom snacks. Read the letter linked below for more information.
Contact Us
Mable Woolsey Elementary School
106 Pleasant Ave.
Principal: Arryn Small
Secretary: Jamie Harter